الثلاثاء، 12 فبراير 2013

قطعة على الطعام السريع Junk Food

قم بقراءة القطعة ثم أجب على الاسئلة أذا واجهت اى صعوبة او اي معنى صعب يمكن كتابة ما تريد معرفت في الرد وسوف اشرح المطلوب
                                                                Junk Food

All over the world people eat fast food . They eat hamburgers , chips , hot dogs or fried

chicken people like fast food because it is cheap and it's quick too . Today people are very

busy , so they want to have a quick lunch . At a fast food bar , the food is ready in five

minutes . People often eat it in the park or in the street . Fast food is sometimes called ,

Junk Food , Do you Know why ?

Choose the right answer :

1. All over the world …

a. people do not eat fast food .

b. people eat fast food .

c. people drink food .

2. people like fast food because ….

a. it is cheap .

b. it is quick .

c. it is cheap and it's quick too .

3. Today people are very busy , so …

a. they want to sleep .

b. they do not eat .

c. they want to have a quick lunch .

4. people often eat …

a. a paper bag

b. fast

c. fast food

5. Fast food is sometimes called …

a. "wood"

b. "Junk food "

c. "junk"
6. the fast food …
a. does not cost a lot of money
The Grammar section
Fill in ( am , is , are )
1. My mother and father _________in the kitchen .
2. She__________ my sister .
Fill in missing words
1. My name is ___________
2. I am __________ years old .
Write the correct form of the verb .
1. Tom _________ in his pool every day . (swim)
2. Sam _________ the quitar right now . (Play)
Fill in Do or Does
1. ___________ Tom fight with his sister ?
2. ___________ Uncle Max have abook ?
Write questions in the past
1. Rose was pretty .
_________________________________________________ .
Write true or false near the sentence
1. Hamburgers , chips , hot dogs and fried chicken are fast food __________
2. people like fast food because it is expensive

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