الأحد، 10 فبراير 2013

تمرين على معرفة الصفات في الانجليزية


Circle the adjectives in each sentence, and draw an arrow to the nouns that they describe.
 قم بعمل دائرة حول الصفات في كل جملة وارسم سهم يشير الى الاسم الذي تصفه
1. Using a computer is difficult.
2. Paper airplanes are fun.
3. I want to buy that new red car.

4. We can use the old paper in my English notebook.
5. The video game is expensive because it is new.
6. Airplanes are fast, but boats are slow.
7. Don’t draw disgusting pictures!
8. That picture looks like a real tiger!
9. I think math is easy.
10. The expensive, new car is very fast.

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