الأربعاء، 13 فبراير 2013

ورقة عمل على الصفات في الانجليزية adjectives in English

Name: _____________________________________
An adjective is a word that describes a person, place, or thing.
Directions: Pick the two best “adjective
 choices” to complete each
sentence. Make sure each sentence makes
1.    Adjective choices: wet, green, floppy, many
The dog had a ____________ nose and ____________ ears.
2. Adjective choices: tall, cold, dry, yellow
The sunflowers in my backyard are ____________ and _____________.
3. Adjective choices: five, delicious, shiny, busy
I found a ____________ quarter lying outside on the ___________ sidewalk!
4. Adjective choices: blue, striped, sharp, frozen
The ____________ tiger had ____________ teeth.
5. Adjective choices: dull, salty, hot, cheesy
We all ate the ____________, ____________ pizza.
7. (healthy, beautiful, toasty, many)
The refrigerator was packed with
____________ ____________ foods.
Do not forget

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