. (Use
of Indefinite / Definite Articles (the, a, an)1-
من أهم
القواعد أن نتذكر متى نستخدم ادوات النكرة والمعرفة
1- نستخدم (A،
عندما يرد الشيء للمرة الأولى في الجملة.
2- نستخدم أداة التعريف the)) عند الإشارة إلى شيء سبق ذكره.
3- نستخدم أداة التعريف the)) عند الإشارة الى شيء
يعرفه كل من الكاتب والقارئ
4-لا نستخدم ادوات النكرة والمعرفة عندما نتحدث بشكل
عام باستخدام صيغة الجمع مع اسما معدود، أو صيغة المفرد مع اسما لا يعد.
خمسة أمثلة من هذه الأخطاء
I live in the apartment, close to the supermarket.
I'd like to go to the good restaurant.
I stayed in the hotel near the park.
The hotel was
very nice, and a park had some wonderful paths.
Remember a presentation we went to last week?
The apples are generally very tasty in season.
I live in an apartment, close to a supermarket.
I'd like to go to a good restaurant.
I stayed in a hotel near a park. The hotel was very nice,
and the park had some wonderful paths.
Remember the presentation we went to last week?
Apples are generally very tasty in season.
Capitalize 'I' and National Adjectives / Nouns / Names of Languages and the First
Word of a New Sentence
متى تبدأ الكلمة بحرف capital
1- يجب
ان يكون الضمير I" "
كبير أي capital
2- الدول،
و الأسماء والصفات وطنية - الفرنسية، الروسية، الانجليزية، إيطاليا، كندا، الخ - French, Russian, English, Italy, Canadian,.
3- تكبير
الحرف الأول من الكلمة الأولى في الجملة الجديدة أو السؤال
4- أسماء الاشياء لا تبدا
بحرف كبير الا اذا كانت اسماء اشياء معروفة مثل نهر النيل او جامحة معروفة الخ.
5- أسماء الأعلام من الناس والمؤسسات،
والمهرجانات تبدا بحرف capital، الخ
يلي مثال ينطبق على النقطتين الأخيرتين.
I go to university. (common noun
-> university)
I go to the University of Texas. (noun used as proper name)
I go to the University of Texas. (noun used as proper name)
هنا امثلة على الاخطاء
الشائعة التي ذكرت سابقا
comes from Ireland, but i come from the US.
I don't speak chinese, but I speak a little french.
where do you come from?
He bought a new Bicycle for his birthday.
Let's visit maria this afternoon.
I don't speak chinese, but I speak a little french.
where do you come from?
He bought a new Bicycle for his birthday.
Let's visit maria this afternoon.
يتم تصحيح الجمل:
Jack comes from Ireland, but I come from
the US.
I don't speak Chinese, but I speak a little French.
Where do you come from?
He bought a new bicycle for his birthday.
Let's visit Maria this afternoon.
I don't speak Chinese, but I speak a little French.
Where do you come from?
He bought a new bicycle for his birthday.
Let's visit Maria this afternoon.
Use of Punctuation
متعلمي اللغة الإنكليزية أحيانا مشاكل في وضع
علامات الترقيم. القاعدة بسيطة: ضع علامة الترقيم (،:؛.!؟) مباشرة بعد الحرف الأخير
من الكلمة متبوعا بمسافة.
بعض الأمثلة:
They visited Paris,London,Berlin and New York. I'd like to have some
pasta , and a steak.
They visited Paris, London, Berlin and New York. I'd like to have some
pasta, and a steak.
4. Common Mistakes in English
اهم ثلاث اخطاء شائعة في الكتابة باللغة الانجليزية
It's or Its - It's = it is / Its = ملكية
هناك فعل مفقودapostrophe (')
تذكر عندما ترى
Then or Than –
'Than' تستخدم لتدل على المقارنة بين شيئين
bigger than my house!)
'Then'تعبير يدل على الزمن
(First you do this. Then you do
Good or Well –
'Good' صفة
(That's a good story!)
'Well' حال
(He plays tennis well.)
امثلة للأخطاء ما سبق
He attributed his success to
it's appeal to children.
I think its time to discuss
this question in more detail.
The government decided it
would cost more money to change policy then to leave current law stand.
She can first finish her
homework, than go to practice.
How good do you speak German?
I think he's well public
الجمل بعد التصحيح
He attributed his success
to its appeal to children.
I think it's time to
discuss this question in more detail.
The government decided it
would cost more money to change policy than to leave current law stand.
She can first finish her
homework, then go to practice.
How well do you speak
I think he's good public